NHS SBS launches innovative payroll app to benefit NHS employees

A new app that allows NHS employees to view their payslips on any mobile device and answers pay-related queries via chatbot technology has been launched by NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS).

MySBSPay provides around 400,000 employees – working at around 100 organisations (including provider trusts, CCGs and arm’s length bodies) that use the NHS SBS payroll service – with secure access to their payslips and P60s at anytime and anywhere.

The pioneering app was designed with input from staff at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, to ensure it meets the needs and demands of a modern NHS workforce.

MySBSPay is free to download for the individual NHS employee and comes at no extra cost to the NHS organisations that use NHS SBS’s payroll service.

It includes easy access to current and previous payslips and P60s, pay-related support (via chatbot, FAQs and Service Desk operatives) and a countdown to the employee’s next pay day.  A wide range of NHS staff discounts and exclusive offers will also soon be available on the app, whilst future updates will lead to increasingly sophisticated chatbot functionality and a range of other exciting developments.

Stephen Aynsley-Smith, Deputy Director of Finance at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, said:“The Trust took part in a pilot of the new app and our volunteers really engaged in the process so a big thank you to them.  The feedback on the app has been really positive and it should allow staff to view their pay details (including payslips and P60s) in a more accessible and understandable format.

“The app itself is innovative yet simple to use and should minimise the need for pay-related queries and clarifications. The ability to look on an app reflects how people want to view their information and further developments will only enhance users experience.”