2018: Top 6 Most Read News

Here we feature the top 6 most read news stories from 2018:

A highly read story was the news of NHS England and NHS Improvement announcing a new joint senior leadership team – the NHS Executive Group.

We featured an opinion piece by by Orlando Agrippa, CEO of Draper and Dash, as the Government promises to invest £20.5bn to improve the NHS, who else sees the “healthcare potential?”.

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is collaborating with GE Healthcare to build a command centre – like an air traffic control – at Bradford Royal Infirmary. The command centre, the first of its kind in Europe, will transform how care is delivered and organised as the number of patients at the hospital continues to increase.

Utilising artificial intelligence, it will provide a clear, instant, and real-time overview across the 800-bed hospital and help staff make quick and informed decisions on how to best manage patient care. Up to 20 Trust staff based in the command centre will monitor a ‘wall of analytics’ that constantly pulls in streams of real-time data from the multiple systems at the hospital.

Another highly read story was the announcement of 13 trusts to be the first to receive a share of £78 million to support electronic prescribing and medicines administration (ePMA).

Finally our news release on the Prime Minister pledging funding to cut needless hospital admissions and help inpatients return home sooner, and our follow up story to this commenting on the £3.5bn funding boost for primary and community services announced by the Prime Minister, Nuffield Trust Senior Policy Analyst Sally Gainsbury said: “This additional money amounts to annual increases that are broadly in line with the 3.4% overall that the NHS in England is getting over the next five years. That means that, far from representing a big shift in funding towards out-of-hospital services, this money will simply allow GPs and community services to keep up with demand over the next five years. That’s important, but it means the new money announced today is not going to lead to a significant change in the way that people experience healthcare.”