Twenty-three projects have been selected to receive a total of £1.65 million in funding from the Health Foundation’s Innovating for Improvement programme.
The projects address pressing issues, from staff fatigue in the NHS to meeting the needs of people addicted to non-prescription medicines bought online and prescription medicines. All aim to improve health and social care delivery and gather evidence about how their innovation leads to better outcomes for patients and staff.
This round of Innovating for Improvement reflects the Health Foundation’s commitment to supporting the health and social care workforce. Many of the projects focus on improving the physical and mental wellbeing of frontline staff, team working and relationships.
The innovative ideas will be tested across the UK, with a strong focus on primary care, community and mental health settings.
The programme will run for 15 months from January 2019. Each team will receive up to £75,000 of funding, alongside coaching and peer learning.
The selection of these projects is currently subject to contracts being finalised with the lead organisation of each project.
The 23 projects are:
1. Improving health and wellbeing using a preventative multidisciplinary approach in targeted community settings
Abertawe Medical Partnership
2. Introducing telepsychiatry in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
3. Development and evaluation of an immersive, experiential learning model for re-connecting health care staff to deeper value-based work motivations
Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
4. Changing the conversation: developing an alliancing approach to whole system transformation of health and care
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
5. ATOMIC: Addiction TO Medication: Improving Care
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
6. West End Wellbeing: a place-based multidisciplinary approach to meeting needs in Newcastle’s West End
Changing Lives
7. Postnatal care: Developing a living library to promote a human-centred model of care
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
8. Shared Medical Appointments for patients with chronic pain
Devon Doctors Ltd
9. A clinically designed stratification tool to develop a tier-based approach to delivery of care in general practice
Dickens Place Group
10. Developing Innovative clinical pathway for women with Autism spectrum features and Eating Disorders (DIAED)
King’s College London, Psychological Medicine
11. Professional wellbeing: Effective management of staff fatigue during the night shift
Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust
12. Implementation of virtual reality preparation for anxious patients in MRI
NHS Highland
13. Antenatal Care Education (ACE): improving patient and staff experience through better birth preparedness
North Bristol NHS Trust
14. Creative activities to improve staff wellbeing, quality of care and the way people living with dementia and their carers support their own health
Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
15. Engaging the workforce in real time: listening, understanding and responding to what matters most to our staff
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
16. Using cognitive behavioural therapy techniques to improve medicines-related consultations in cardiac health
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
17. Improving children’s social care staff wellbeing through reflexive peer group supervision and critical incident debrief
Southampton Children and Families Social Care
18. Empowering prescribers to empower patients and fellow professionals: a novel approach to safe, person-centred practice
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
19. Fit Families for the Future: Improving our recognition and response to children and families struggling with obesity
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
20. Reducing opioids through supportive education
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
21. Mental Health Recovery: Supporting staff to deliver rights-respect services
Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Trust
22. Developing home-based Parkinson’s care
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
23. Addressing the frequent use of urgent care in the paediatric population of West Kent
West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group