Milestone reached for pioneering Working Win research trial

More than 2,000 people are now taking part in the Sheffield City Region’s “Working Win” health-led research trial.

The innovative research trial, one of only two such projects in the UK, has also been credited in the NHS’ Long-Term Plan, launched earlier this month.

Working Win aims to find out whether a new type of support for people who are struggling with work due to health issues, is better than other services which are already on offer.

Funded by the NHS and the Government’s Work and Health Unit, the trial – which covers South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw -is one of two research projects that has the potential to change the way that services are delivered nationally. The other trial is running in the West Midlands.

The trial’s inclusion in the NHS Long Term Plan signifies its importance to health research and the impact that health can have on the UK economy.

Medical Director for the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System, Des Breen, said: “We know that one of the determinates for good mental and physical health is stable employment.”

“The integrated care approach looks at all things which can contribute to a person becoming ill. The NHS Long Term Plan published earlier this month sets out a commitment to integrated care where, housing, education, employment and medical care are all looked at as a whole in order to tackle the underlying causes of ill health.”

Niall O’Reilly, Head of Work and Wellbeing of South Yorkshire Housing Association, said: “We’re incredibly grateful to the 2,000 people across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw who’ve signed up to Working Win.”

“They’re helping us test an innovative new way of supporting people with health conditions to find and sustain good work, an approach that’s compassionate, strengths-based and entirely voluntary.”

“The feedback we’ve already received from participants is really encouraging. More than 90% of people describe our service as Good or Excellent.”