Angela Hillery, existing chief executive of Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) has been tasked to undertake role of Chief Executive of Leicester Partnership NHS Trust (LPT), taking a shared role as the chief executive of both trusts.
In February 2019, LPT were rated overall as ‘Requires Improvement’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), including an ‘Inadequate’ rating for the Well-Led domain. At this time LPT received a package of support from NHS Improvement, including a buddy relationship with neighbouring ‘Outstanding’ mental health and community trust, NHFT.
Angela Hillery said; “This in an innovative opportunity to share, learn together and continue to make a positive difference for the people we serve.”
“Undoubtedly LPT have been on a journey as they focus on improving care, areas of development and building on their areas of good practice such as innovation and compassionate patient care. I look forward to working with the team at LPT on the next steps of this journey, with a continued focus on the health and wellbeing of those who we provide services to and the colleagues who work as part of the team.”
“My commitment to NHFT absolutely does not change. Our journey is ongoing and will continue to be one we take together with each and every one of the team at NHFT playing a vital part. In every decision I make in my role as chief executive I consider the outcomes, wellbeing and needs of everyone involved in NHFT. I will bring this same focus and commitment into this new shared role.”
Cathy Ellis, Chair of LPT, said: “I am very pleased that Angela Hillery and NHFT have agreed to a shared Chief Executive role. I believe that Angela’s expertise and leadership, brings a timely and high quality response to the chief executive vacancy which will focus on the turnaround and recovery of LPT.”
“Following our recent CQC inspection, it was identified that LPT would particularly benefit from strengthening our leadership and governance arrangements. Angela comes with an impressive track record and this appointment is a positive step in our improvement journey.”
“To be clear, this is not a pre-cursor to a merger between our Trusts, but a focus on improving care for patients and service users, to which Angela brings significant and relevant experience. LPT and NHFT follow in the footsteps of several other Trusts in the country who have a shared chief executive including three trusts in South Warwickshire, three trusts in Essex, and Colchester and Ipswich.”
“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our current chief executive, Dr Peter Miller, for his values-based leadership of LPT over the last five years. I wish him all the very best in his retirement.”
Crishni Waring, Chair of NHFT, said: “We welcome the opportunity to work closely with our neighbours in Leicestershire and believe this will be of benefit to patients, service users and carers across the area. Angela is a dedicated leader with a strong background in clinical care, equality and the co-production of services; I am pleased that we will continue to benefit from her leadership and experience alongside LPT.”
Angela Hillery has worked within the NHS for over 30 years and has held a variety of leadership positions during this time and has been Chief Executive of NHFT since 2013. Angela has a clinical background as a Speech and Language therapist and has served on the National Management Board of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapy.