Health information available via Amazon Alexa

The NHS has announced a new partnership with Amazon to make health information available through Amazon Alexa.

The aim is to make reliable health information from the NHS website readily available through Amazon’s voice technology platform Alexa. NHS verified information and answers to questions such as ‘how do I treat a migraine?’ to ‘what are the symptoms of chickenpox?’ will be available.

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock said “We want to empower every patient to take better control of their healthcare and technology like this is a great example of how people can access reliable, world-leading NHS advice from the comfort of their home, reducing the pressure on our hardworking GPs and pharmacists.”

“Through the NHS Long Term Plan, we want to embrace the advances in technology to build a health and care system that is fit for the future and NHSX will drive this revolution to bring the benefits to every patient, clinician and carer.”

Matthew Gould, Chief Executive of NHSX, said “The public need to be able to get reliable information about their health easily and in ways they actually use. By working closely with Amazon and other tech companies, big and small, we can ensure that the millions of users looking for health information every day can get simple, validated advice at the touch of a button or voice command.”

“Part of our mission at NHSX is to give citizens the tools to access services and information directly, and partnerships such as this are an important part of achieving this.”

Voice technology has grown rapidly and its anticipated half of searched for information will be made through voice assisted technologies in 2020.