Forward Healthcare Awards 2019 Shortlist

Leading Healthcare is delighted to announce the entries that have made the shortlist in the Forward Healthcare Awards 2019 sponsored by Dedalus.

The entries that have made the shortlist are listed below, or you can read a brief summary on each here.

Congratulations to each entry and we look forward to announcing the winners and highly commended entries on 25th September.

Forward Healthcare Awards Shortlist:

Excellence in Communication and Engagement

  • Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust 
  • Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 
  • NHS North of England Commissioning Support Unit
  • Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 
  • Zero Suicide Alliance 
  • Norfolk Children & Young People’s Health Services

Driving Healthcare Forward – Initiative of the Year 

  • iPLATO Healthcare 
  • Dudley Group of Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 
  • Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust 

Creating a Supportive Staff Culture 

  • Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust 
  • Compass Wellbeing CIC
  • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Women and Children’s Health 

Healthcare Team of the Year 

  • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Women and Children’s Health 
  • Sheffield Health and Social Care
  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Acute Sector Innovation

  • Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 
  • Art in Site Reducing Violence & Aggression through Interior Design & Art for Emergency Department, St Thomas’ Hospital
  • Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 

Community or Primary Care Innovation 

  • Havering CCG
  • Mid Cheshire Foundation Trust
  • Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust 
  • Compass Wellbeing CIC 

Acute or Specialist Services Redesign 

  • Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust 
  • The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 
  • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Enhancing Care through Technology 

  • Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Cambridge Community Services NHS Trust 
  • Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 
  • DrDoctor

Partnership of the Year 

  • Civica and The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust 
  • Ingenica Solutions and Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust 
  • The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust 

Digital Patient 

  • Liva Healthcare
  • Liopa 
  • Lifebox Health 

The Awards are live on 25th September 2019 from 7:00pm on and on social media using #forwardhealthcareawards