Planning application for £23m The Christie at Macclesfield submitted

A planning application for a new two storey building to house the proposed Christie at Macclesfield cancer centre has been submitted to East Cheshire Council.

If approved, the new centre will transform cancer care in East Cheshire, providing Christie cancer care closer to home for more than 1,500 patients a year. This will include more than 15,000 radiotherapy treatments every year and 4,000 chemotherapy treatments a year.

It will bring together essential cancer services into one purpose-built unit delivering local specialist access to radiotherapy, chemotherapy, holistic support and information services, outpatient care, palliative care and clinical trials.

Commenting on this key milestone Dr Andrew Sykes, director of clinical oncology and clinical lead for The Christie at Macclesfield project, said: “Much work has already been done to get us to the point where we have submitted a planning application for the proposed new The Christie at Macclesfield cancer centre. This is a very significant development in the project.”

“We now look forward to working with the planners at East Cheshire Council to ensure that the plans submitted comply with local planning policies and address the needs of the local community.”

“We cannot say a big enough thank you to everyone in Macclesfield and the surrounding areas, who have supported us in our ambition to develop a new cancer centre in Macclesfield that delivers cancer care to the highest Christie standards.

“Our fundraising has got off to a great start but there is still a long way to go before we reach the £23m needed. We can’t do this without the support of the whole community.”

“Since we launched this appeal we have heard time and again from patients and their carers about how much they value the care they receive from The Christie but how important it is for them to be able to have this closer to their homes.”

Subject to planning permission being granted, work on the two storey building is expected to start later this year with the aim of opening during summer 2021.