16 digital adult social care projects awarded share of £4.5m

NHS Digital has announced 16 projects will be awarded a share of £4.5 million to support health tech and digitisation projects.

The awards have been made to organisations that provide and commission adult social care services and include projects such as digital workflows, care planning, AI, interoperability and analytics.

The selected Social Care Digital Pathfinders, managed by NHS Digital, will now commence a 13 month implementation phase before sharing learnings, for projects to be then introduced to other organisations.

Nicola Blackwood, Health Minister said “Bridging the technology gap between the NHS and social care is a central part of achieving a health and care service that is fit for the future. This £4.5 million investment will support local areas to improve information sharing across services, ensuring people avoid hospital unless absolutely necessary and helping everyone live independently for longer.”

Pam Garraway Senior Responsible Officer for the Social Care Programme at NHS Digital “I’m delighted to see so many exciting digital projects now underway – every one of which has the potential to benefit the whole health and social care sector.”

“What makes it so exciting is the fact that these projects aren’t working in isolation, as they perhaps would have done in the past. They are working collectively to drive standards and solve problems, which is why we are confident that all of the pathfinder projects can be replicated easily.”

“This isn’t just about best practice pilots. Once this work is finalised, we fully expect areas will be able to go out and use these products and implement them locally – safe in the knowledge that they are tried and tested.”

The Pathfinders include:

Bristol City CouncilReal Time co-ordination of packages of care and digital workflows across their Integrated Care Bureau.
Friends of the ElderlyRoll out of integrated Acoustic Monitoring Technology with Digital Care Planning.
Hft (learning disabilities charity)Roll out of “My Health Guide” for Learning Disabilities across large user groups.
Lancashire County CouncilImplementation of digital discharge messaging service (ADW) and integration with local health care record.
Leicestershire County CouncilRollout of NHSmail and access to Electronic Patient Record to care providers. Scale during programme is 60% of Leicestershire care homes accredited (200+).
London Borough of BexleyUse of remote monitoring and predictive data analytics to positively impact a person’s wellbeing and quality of life – aiming to prevent, reduce and defer the escalation of needs. Development of an evidential base to demonstrate the interdependent relationship between a person’s social, physical, mental health and social care outcomes.
London Borough of IslingtonFree Text for predictive analytics across large region. Scale during programme is four local authorities across North Central London.
National Care ForumCreating a network of innovation hubs designed to assist and inspire the care and support sector to embrace technological and digital innovations which improve the lives of people accessing, or working in, their services.
Manchester City CouncilExtending digital discharge service (ADW) across the region. Scale during programme is 11 local authorities.
Nottinghamshire County CouncilDeveloping current interoperability standards across health and social care in partnership with national programmes. Intention is to scale this nationally, including at least two Local Health and Care Record (LHCR) organisations.
South Gloucestershire CouncilExtending Connecting Care to care homes, and Digital Red Bag. Scale during programme is three local authorities and a number of care homes.
Sutton CouncilExpansion and standardisation of the digital red bag. Scale during programme is 20% care homes across SW London and national capability.
Westminster City CouncilExpansion of care information exchange to care providers, local authorities and carers. Scale during programme is four local authorities and two trusts with potential for whole NWL region.
Wirral CouncilExtending digital discharge service (ADW) functionality. Scale during programme is national.
Wolverhampton City CouncilExtend range of data for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning e.g. delayed discharges, housing, education, police and crime, socio-economic factors, the environment, private sector. Scale during programme is across two local authority areas with potential to extend across STP footprint.
Worcestershire County CouncilExtending AI and Data Modelling to include Telecare and Assistive Tech Data. Scale during programme is across two local authority areas with potential to extend across STP footprint.