Matt Hancock has taken to Twitter today to request the public joins together this evening to thank everyone in the NHS.
The ‘Clap For Our Carers’ campaign will see the UK public join together in applause today, Thursday 26th March at 8pm.
The campaign is trending on Twitter under #ClapForOurCarers
With NHS workers being classed as ‘key workers’, they have been subjected to longer shifts, shorter breaks and generally tougher working conditions than normal due to the influx of patients and staff shortages.
Earlier this week, NHS staff were seen having bruised faces from prolonged wearing of PPE.
However, healthcare workers have voiced concern over the lack of PPE being available with reports of some workers creating their own makeshift equipment.
On Matt Hancocks’s tweet, one commenter said “this is disgraceful! Cut the soundbites that you support NHS staff and get them PPE!”
In response, another commenter said “there’s a hotline. Over and over Matt Hancock has been on TV pleading with anyone that slipped through the cracks to phone the hotline; the army are on standby waiting to rush equipment to them immediately.”
Other comments reflected the need for further PPE to be given to NHS workers rather than applause, with comments being generally negative towards the Health Secretary and pointing to other issues associated with Conservative Healthcare Policy: