COVID-19 death rate slows

So far, 4th April saw the greatest amount of deaths at 708, however that statistic has fell for two days running.

6th April saw 439 deaths which is a drop of 269 deaths from the peak of deaths so far.

The following COVID-19 case information is accurate as of 6th April 2020.

As tracked by Public Health England:

Total Cases of COVID-19 in the UK stand at 51,608.

Total Deaths of COVID-19 in the UK stand at 5,373.

Daily Total Cases of COVID-19 in the UK as of 6th April stand at 3,802.

Daily Total Deaths of COVID-19 in the UK on 6th April were 439.

As per Upper Tier Local Authorities and NHS Regions, Birmingham has the greatest amount of cases – 1,287.

Rutland has the fewest amount of cases – 6.

See further statistics on the Public Health England dashboard:

PHE Dashboard