NHS Blood and Transplant ask coronavirus survivors to donate blood plasma

NHS Blood and Transplant are asking patients who have recovered from Covid-19 to donate blood plasma.

The request for donations is to start a potential clinical trial to help combat Covid-19.

If the trial is approved, the NHS state that it will tell them how effective convalescent plasma (plasma from those who have had coronavirus), is for treating Covid-19 patients.

NHS Blood and Transplant state that:

“If you have had a positive test result for COVID-19, or have had symptoms of COVID-19, you can help us by registering to donate plasma at one of our main donor centres.”

“Not everyone will be able to donate. You need to meet some eligibility criteria:

  • be between 17 and 66 years old
  • weigh between 50kg and 158kg
  • not be pregnant, or had a baby, miscarriage or termination within six months
  • not have an existing or previous heart condition
  • not have had a transfusion since 1st January 1980.”

You can register your details here:

Register Details to Donate

Following registration, NHS Blood and Transplant will be in touch over the coming weeks to instruct about next steps.

Convalescent plasma is a yellowish liquid that makes up half of our blood volume.

After being infected with a virus, our plasma contains antibodies that help fight future infection.

Convalescent plasma is antibody-rich plasma; in this case from Covid-19.

Plasma cannot be collected sooner than 28 days after recovery according to NHS Blood and Transplant.

Potential donors must have fully recovered from Covid-19.

Plasma donation is not the same as blood donation, as plasma needs to be separated from blood as a person donates.

This process is called ‘apheresis’.

NHS Blood and Transplant Donor Centres are as follows:

  • Birmingham
  • Bradford
  • Bristol
  • Cambridge
  • Gloucester
  • Lancaster
  • Leeds City Centre
  • Leicester
  • Liverpool
  • London Edgware
  • London Tooting
  • London West End
  • Luton
  • Manchester Plymouth Grove
  • Manchester City Centre
  • Newcastle
  • Nottingham
  • Oxford
  • Plymouth
  • Poole
  • Sheffield
  • Southampton
  • Stoke