NHS Wales ministers announce £800m stabilisation package

Welsh Ministers have announced a new £800m stabilisation package to help the Welsh NHS to continue to respond to and recover from the impact of the coronavirus crisis.

The total now pledged by Welsh Government is more than £1.3bn as part of plans to support NHS organisations across Wales to prepare for the anticipated challenges that winter will bring, respond to a potential second wave of the virus, alongside normal winter pressures, whilst continuing to further increase access to essential services.

Plans for the new funding include a procurement of Personal Protective Equipment for both the health and social care sectors.

The Government said the new funding will also help deliver Wales’ largest ever flu campaign.

Finance Minister Rebecca Evans said: “We understand the growing financial pressures and challenges being faced across the public sector and we are doing all we can to alleviate these.”

“I am confident that today’s announcement will provide our NHS with the stability it needs to respond to the pandemic. We are also continuing to work with local authorities to understand the considerable pressures they are facing and their priorities so that we can provide them with further support.”

Health and Social Services Minister Vaughan Gething added: “Our health and social care services have faced unparalleled pressures in the fight against Covid-19. It is a testament to our dedicated NHS staff that Wales’ patients have continued to receive compassionate and professional care during this pandemic.”

“Whilst our services rigorously prepare every year for winter pressures, 2020 may be unlike any other. This £800m package will help with many aspects as we move into the next phase of the virus such as PPE supplies, testing and an ambitious flu vaccination programme.”