Clinical options unveiled for delivering future hospital services in Hampshire

Six options are being considered by local organisations in Hampshire as part of a modernising services programme in the region.

The organisations are looking at the best way to organise services to meet the population’s changing health needs and to adapt the way some services are delivered so they can continue to meet best practice guidelines. They have been exploring the possibility of centralising some of the most specialist hospital services for the sickest people on one site, rather than spread across two main sites as they currently are.

The programme also includes the potential for the construction of a brand new hospital as part of the Government’s Health Infrastructure Plan.

The six options currently being explored are:

Option  – Investment would be made to sustain hospital services at the Basingstoke and Winchester sites for the long-term. Services including emergency care, consultant-led maternity care and intensive care would be centralised at one of the hospitals. Centralisation will help to ensure delivery of the clinical quality standards required for these services, so they can continue to be provided in north and mid Hampshire.

Option  – Emergency care, consultant-led maternity care and intensive care would be centralised in a new hospital, as would a new outpatient centre which would enable patients to undergo scans, have tests carried out and have an appointment with their consultant in the same visit. A centre for surgery planned in advance would be provided from a main satellite hospital, which would also benefit from additional investment. Outpatient consultations and a range of other hospital services would be provided at additional satellite locations across north and mid Hampshire.

Option  – Emergency care, consultant-led maternity care and intensive care would be centralised in a new hospital, as would a centre for surgery planned in advance and a new outpatient centre which would enable patients to undergo scans, have tests carried out and have an appointment with their consultant in the same visit. Outpatient consultations and a range of other hospital services would be provided at satellite locations across north and mid Hampshire, with some additional investment.

Option  – Emergency care, consultant-led maternity care and intensive care would be centralised in a new hospital, as would a centre for surgery planned in advance and a new outpatient centre which would enable patients to undergo scans, have tests carried out and have an appointment with their consultant in the same visit. An outpatient centre, offering the same services described above, would also be provided from a main satellite hospital, which would also benefit from additional investment. In addition, outpatient consultations and a range of other hospital services would be provided at additional satellite locations across north and mid Hampshire.

Option  – Emergency care, consultant-led maternity care and intensive care would be centralised in a new hospital, as would a new outpatient centre, which would enable patients to undergo scans, have tests carried out and have an appointment with their consultant in the same visit. A centre for surgery planned in advance and an outpatient centre offering the same services described above would be provided from a main satellite hospital, which would also benefit from additional investment. In addition, outpatient consultations and a range of other hospital services would be provided at additional satellite locations across north and mid Hampshire.

Option  – Emergency care, consultant-led maternity care and intensive care would be centralised in a new hospital, as would a centre for surgery planned in advance. An outpatient centre which would enable patients to undergo scans, have tests carried out and have an appointment with their consultant in the same visit would be provided from a main satellite hospital, which would also benefit from additional investment. In addition, outpatient consultations and a range of other hospital services would be provided at additional satellite locations across north and mid Hampshire.

Dr Matt Nisbet, a local GP and a clinical lead at the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Partnership of CCGs, is working on the Hampshire Together: Modernising our Hospitals and Health Services programme. He said: “We would like to thank everybody who has taken part in our listening exercise during the summer as well as those who have taken part in our recent options development sessions.”

“The six options for the way we organise clinical services in north and mid Hampshire in the future will now be investigated further. Our evaluation criteria for shortlisting will be further developed, building on what respondents said was important to them during our listening exercise. The criteria will be refined with further input from clinicians, staff, patients, and other stakeholders.”

“This work will allow doctors, nurses and other clinicians, with the help of a specially formed options development group including staff and patient representatives, to use the evaluation criteria to draw up a shortlist recommended for public consultation. The CCG governing body will review a detailed business case and make a decision on the options for consultation. We expect to launch this consultation early in the new year.”