HEE urges pharmacies to complete a nationwide survey

Health Education England (HEE) has urged Community Pharmacies to participate in a national survey that will look at the makeup of the community pharmacy workforce.  

The survey was launched earlier this month to help understand the workforce and is planned to become an annual survey next year. This years survey is the second released, after the intial survey was announced last year.

Alan Ryan, Director of National Transformation Programmes, HEE said:   “We are really keen to hear from Community Pharmacies as the survey will give us better insight about the size and skill set of the workforce and therefore, help us to plan our future investment in education and training more effectively.  

“I would encourage pharmacies to participate. It is a great opportunity for them to play their part in shaping the future of the pharmacy workforce.”   

The survey collects data from staff numbers, recruitment experiences and working patterns of staff employed in each community pharmacy premises. 

Independent as well as high street pharmacies like Boots and Superdrug are invited to submit their feedback. The closing date for responses is the 18th of June.  

For more information on the survey please visit the Health Education England website.