During the final week of June, a joint workshop between members of the SEL ICB and leaders from the local VCSE sector, “mapped the outlines of a charter that will set out how the ICS will collaborate with the VCSE sector”.
SEL ICS noted that “the work aims to develop a set of commitments our partnership will sign up to around four key areas:
- Involving and working with the VCSE sector as a key strategic partner
- Supporting the sustainability, capacity and diversity of the VCSE sector in south east London, including through funding
- Procuring in a way that doesn’t disadvantage VCSE organisations
- Empathetic development and management of contracts with VCSE organisations.”
Andrew Bland, chief executive Officer at SEL ICB, is quoted noting the importance of collaboration, stating “transforming health and social care in our six boroughs can only be achieved in partnership with VCSE organisations that have deep roots in those communities and that have the agility to respond to changing circumstances and priorities”.
The Director of Voluntary Sector Collaboration and Partnerships for the SEL ICS, Tal Rosenzweig, added: “As a system we understand that equitable partnership and collaboration with the VCSE sector is key for transforming the lives of people and communities in SEL. The joint workshop and the co-development of our SEL Charter will play a pivotal role in shaping our ongoing collaboration and will move us closer toward achieving our shared vision of tackling inequalities and creating a healthy, well and connected south east London population.”
The Chief Executive of Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice, Kate Heaps, said that she hoped the new plan would enable sharing of power and resources, “is that everyone who lives in SE London gets the best services and support they need, to have a life well lived”.
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