Leading Healthcare Awards 2020 Finalists

The Leading Healthcare Awards celebrate and share great work across health and care.

We are delighted to announce the finalists in the awards below. 

The winners and highly commended entries will be announced from 5PM on 2nd April 2020 through our innovative digital awards evening – we hope you can join us. 

Update: 18th March 2020. The digital awards evening will be going ahead as planned on 2nd April.

Sponsored by CCube Solutions

The Leading Healthcare Awards 2020 are in association with CCube Solutions, an award-winning provider of enterprise content management solutions, comprising electronic document and records management, workflow, electronic forms, portal software, and systems integration. Founded in 1995, it has a proven track record working with the police, local government, NHS and in the private sector providing cost effective and scalable solutions, tailored to meet the individual requirements of customers. For further information, please visit www.ccubesolutions.com

Congratulations to the finalists...

Improving Outcomes

Wirral Community Health and Care Foundation Trust

Wirral Tele-triage service for Nursing and Residential homes

Wirral Teletriage service is a digital nurse-lead clinical support service 24/7, 365 days a year to Wirral care homes. Facilitating care in the right place for the resident. The impact being a reduction of inappropriate hospital admissions and ambulance call outs; in addition to providing support to staff and residents.

Draper And Dash

Data assurance in action: tools to transition from vagueness to clarity in improving data assurance outcomes

Draper and Dash have been working with a healthcare trust to develop a data assurance tool and framework with integrated ML for outlier identification. This tool has led to the ability to quantify and codify data assurance issues and has allowed meaningful recommendations and outcome measures to be established.

Ministry of Health & Prevention – UAE

Thalassemia major poses a great burden on healthcare system as the disease requires regular, lifelong blood transfusions, expensive medications and a complex therapeutic and diagnostic expertise. A hospital-wide electronic medical record (EMR) system (Wareed) was implemented in Two major thalassaemia centres. Main aim was to introduce patient centricity electronic module, improve patient satisfaction and focus on efficiency gains.


Doctify – promoting trust and transparency for healthcare globally

Doctify launched with the goal of providing more trust and transparency in healthcare. They have rapidly grown since 2016, working with thousands of top hospitals, clinics and specialists to help them collect and publish patient feedback online. Doctify have recently partnered with VitalityHealth, one of the UK’s largest health insurers.

NexJ Health

Reducing HbA1c in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes through NexJ Health’s Virtual Care Program for Diabetes Management.

NexJ Health’s virtual care program for diabetes management uses health coaching to drive healthy, sustainable behaviour change and has been demonstrated in clinical trials to reduce HbA1c in type 2 diabetic patients from a lower socioeconomic community.

Hampshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 

Green Brain, a bespoke learning management system

The trust needed to increase the accessibility of all trust core mandatory training via face to face training and enhancing the accessibility of e-learning thus, increasing the trust overall compliance .By creating ‘Green Brain’ we have enabled staff to be empowered and engaged in a system they helped to create.

Technology Solution of the Year

Leicestershire Partnership Trust

Implementation of AutoPlanner within District Nursing

 In June 2017 Leicestershire NHS Partnership Trust (LPT) embarked on an district nursing
transformation programme to increase the proportion of patient-facing time in a clinician’s day utilising clinical interventions and software within the electronic patient record to effectively manage the clinical workload to achieve the “Right staff, right skill, right place, at the right time to provide
high quality care, improved outcomes and a better experience for all.”


AccuRx Chain – Bringing patients and their healthcare teams together

AccuRx Chain has transformed patient communication in primary care. It has enabled 50,000 staff in 3,000 GP practices to message 6 million patients quickly and easily, saving each user 40 minutes per day, reducing calls to the practice and letters sent out, as well as improving patient experience.



Phototriage- the safe transfer of images of suspected skin cancers between primary and secondary care.

As part of a large team involving primary and secondary care clinicians, commissioners and HSCB departmental teams, we have designed an application allowing GPs to safely transfer images of suspected squamous cell carcinomas and malignant melanomas for clinical triage by local dermatology consultants resulting in many referrals not requiring outpatient appointments.


iPLATO Healthcare Ltd

myGP – delivering digital first primary care

The myGP platform offers practices and end-to-end solution that allows them to delivery digital first primary care to their patients. The most popular medical app throughout 2019 it’s available to over 58 million patients throughout England.


Transforming inpatient safety in Mental Health using Oxehealth’s Digital Care Assistant

Oxehealth’s contact-free optical sensor generates alerts to risky activity, allows spot checks of pulse and breathing rate and produces objective reports on activity. 
Oxehealth has partnered with NHS Mental Health Trusts and reduced falls by 33% in dementia care, reduced sleep disturbance at night and reduced enhanced observations by 71%.

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 

Digital Transformation and technical amalgamation of Ophthalmic Imaging

The Ophthalmic Imaging team has launched the specialty forward into the digital era with an innovative and interoperable technical infrastructure and creative workflow. The speciality is now a high quality data collection and display hub with a seamless workflow and a paper free system.

Estates, Facilities and Systems Management

QE Facilities Limted (QEF)

Achievements in 2019

QE Facilities Limited (QEF) has QEF delivered in 2019 the following achievements;
• Utility consumption reductions of 1600 tonnes per annum with recurring savings of £287k p.a. 
• Increased ROC’s income to £300k p.a.
• Cleaning standards scores of 98.12%  
• PLACE scores of 93.3%
• Decreased sickness absence to 3.65%
• Improved estate space utilisation

Hampshire Hospital NHS foundation Trust

Green Brain, a bespoke learning management system

The trust needed to increase the accessibility of all trust core mandatory training via face to face training and enhancing the accessibility of e-learning thus, increasing the trust overall compliance .By creating ‘Green Brain’ we have enabled staff to be empowered and engaged in a system they helped to create.

Partnership of the Year

Avon and Wiltshire Mental health NHS Partnership Trust

Police Mental Health Tactical Advisors

AWP have joined forces with Avon and Somerset Police, to train up nearly 70 police volunteers to be mental health tactical advisors.
This involves an intensive week long course which includes mental health training (including an expert by experience) and placement within mental health teams.
The aim being that across the force footprint, officers on the ground will always have access to a Tac Advisor for any mental health related ‘shouts’. The aim in part is to give a better experience for patients as well as reducing inappropriate 136sWe are hoping to follow on from this by developing a ‘mentor/buddy’ scheme for Tac advisors. So they have a named and experienced mental health professional to discus cases, on an ongoing basis.

Yorkshire Health Partners Ltd

We are open later …….

GP Practices in the ERY are now making it easier for people to get routine care appointments. Extra appointments are now available in the morning, evening, weekends and bank holidays in convenient locations across the region. IA service is an extension of your GP practice and offers pre-bookable, routine appointments.


Doctify – promoting trust and transparency for healthcare globally

Doctify launched with the goal of providing more trust and transparency in healthcare. They have rapidly grown since 2016, working with thousands of top hospitals, clinics and specialists to help them collect and publish patient feedback online. Doctify have recently partnered with VitalityHealth, one of the UK’s largest health insurers.

NHS Sunderland CCG

All Together Better Sunderland (ATB)

All Together Better Sunderland is a partnership of commissioners and providers coming together voluntarily to improve the health and wellbeing of Sunderland. The ATB’s remit is to transform all “out of hospital” care in the city, working across organisational boundaries to efficiently utilise staff and services to improve outcomes and experience for patients.

Avon and Wiltshire Partnership

Be Safe Service – A highly innovative, holistic and evidence informed multi-agency/multi-disciplinary partnership service working with children and young people (cyp) who have engaged in problematic/harmful sexual behaviour (psb) (hsb) and their families and the system supporting them primarily in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

Be Safe offers assessment and therapeutic intervention services for cyp who have engaged in psb/hsb, their parents/carers and those supporting them. Many of the cyp have histories of abuse and trauma. Training and consultation is available to professionals. An emphasis is placed on partnership and collaborative working to best meet the needs of cyp.


Delivering the new NHS Jobs service – NHS Business Services Authority in partnership with Difrent

A mutually beneficial partnership, born out of drive and ambition to improve the service and experience of applicants trying to find a job in the NHS. The service won’t single-handedly solve the NHS’s recruitment crisis, but the work of the NHS Business Services Authority and Difrent will remove as many blockers as we can along the way.

Team of the Year

Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust

A collaborative approach to Respiratory Care

Dudley Respiratory Assessment Service is a multi-professional team dedicated to improving the care and quality of life for respiratory patients. By utilizing a forward thinking innovative approach to respiratory health we are able to integrate services across secondary, primary and community settings ensuring accessible, holistic care for respiratory patients.

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Reducing the number of Mental Health Patients who travel out of area to receive treatment

Mental health policy sets a target to reduce Out of Area Placements to zero, by 2020/2021. Care distant from home detracts from quality and recovery. This submission describes the work of a team whose Trust has shifted from one of the worst performing in the country to the most improved.

Lincolnshire Community Health Services

Digital Health – Enabling Great Care Closer to Home

The Digital Health Team supports and innovates the use of technology with clinical teams in Lincolnshire . The team have implemented new innovations to support patient care closer to home, while providing an excellent day to day service to clinical services.

Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Delivering the IT challenge of challenges

The Royal Papworth Digital team managed to achieve the triple challenge in 2019. Amidst one of the most challenging years; integrating a Pathology Service, Moving Hospital shortly followed by a CQC visit, the Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust digital team have been put through their paces.

The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust eMeds team

The multi-disciplinary eMeds team at The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (MYHT) has revolutionised prescribing and improved medicines safety with the implementation of a Trust-wide electronic medication management project delivered at significant pace.

Early Adopter of the Year

Lincolnshire Community Health Services

Bringing Care Closer To Home – leading the way with on line consultations in Lincolnshire

Lincolnshire Community Health Services celebrates a successful digital collaboration to provide healthcare services to Lincolnshire following a successful pilot in our Clinical Assessment Service. 

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS FT

Utilising Simulation Modelling and Real Time Data – The Command Centre at Bradford Teaching Hospitals

In partnership with GE Healthcare Partners, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has implemented the Command Centre, a technology-enabled programme of work that is a first-of-kind in Europe. The Command Centre is designed to use real-time data to make timely decisions that inform the actions required throughout the patients’ journey.

NexJ Health

First Social Impact Bond in Canada used to Prevent Hypertension in Canadians

Activate is a virtual care program for hypertension prevention that leverages NexJ Health’s virtual care platform, NexJ Connected Wellness, as well as health coaching protocol, educational content, and health coaches from both NexJ Health and the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.


Best Use of Data

Luton Community Services

Risk tool: pooling data to proactively support older people in Luton

The risk tool is a spreadsheet sharing key data points from all moderately and severely frail patients over the age of 65 in Luton. It is helping health and care professionals to identify, prioritise and proactively reach out to those at greatest risk of unplanned emergency hospital admissions.

Schoen Clinic Chelsea

Using electronic clinical outcome monitoring to inform service design and delivering patient centred care.

Using electronic records is routine in healthcare service, and a commissioning and operational drive to monitor patient outcomes. Integrating these processes is much less common and using outcomes to redesign treatment programmes is truly innovative. Setting up new services provided the opportunity to combine these approaches to improve clinical outcomes.

Ministry of Health & Prevention UAE

Performance and Clinical Excellence (PaCE) project

Performance and Clinical Excellence (PaCE) project is the performance evaluation project for all Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHaP) hospitals. The main scope of PaCE was to have a program, which can deliver accurate, timely, clinical, administrative, and operational data, helps in monitoring and evaluating the delivery of health care at MoHaP Hospitals in an efficient manner.


The Christie NHS FT

Establishing a chemotherapy frailty pathway, integrating assessment and management of frailty assessments into the delivery of care and reviewing how outcomes can be improved for frail patients referred for chemotherapy.

We established a frailty pathway for lung cancer, to be expanded to all cancers. We began frailty assessments September 2018 and have reached 96% coverage. A frailty alert system and dashboard monitors the service. Preliminary analyses suggest assessments aid treatment decisions and we will ultimately measure impact on outcomes.

The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust

Use of data in an acute trust to improve outcomes for sepsis patients

Introducing a sepsis screening EPR tool at The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust has increased our sepsis screening of eligible Emergency Department patients from 71% to 97.7%, improving our identification and management of sepsis patients, reducing mortality to a historical low and below national average.

Excellence in Communication and Engagement

Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership

Audit Heroes 2019

The Audit Heroes Awards 2019 was a simple and highly effective digital and social media campaign to celebrate the impact of the clinical audit community on the quality of health services in the UK. The campaign harnessed the influencing power of NHS communications teams and senior leaders to achieve buy-in.

North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Engagement that influences urgent and emergency care

A combined communications and engagement team with a focus on public engagement has strengthened the service’s offering and ensures that patients and the public have a say in shaping their health service.

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group

Healthy Weston – improving healthcare services for people in Weston and the surrounding areas.

An ambition to meet changing population health needs is at the heart of the Healthy Weston programme; which has been powered by innovative public engagement and insight-driven communications at every step. The achievements end years of uncertainty for local people, and enable the system’s journey to fully integrated care.

Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust

If it’s important to you then it’s important to us – a call for data from the ground up!

Self-assessment survey processes have been developed to improve engagement with frontline facilities staff and gauge their personal views on our services. This exercise has provided some real insight and led to ‘You Said, We Did’ information being shared to improve two-way communication and drive improvement from the ground up.

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals

Traffic Light Hats Appeal

DBTH recently launched an appeal for local volunteers to knit an assortment of ‘traffic light hats’, which are used to indicate the level of care our neonatal babies require. Although the original aim was to collect 100 garments, the campaign was so wide-reaching that we ended up with over 10,000.

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Women and Children’s Health

Staff and Services – Annual Celebratory Event (Women and Children’s Health)

Since October 2018 in Women and Children’s Health at Addenbrookes Hospital, we have held an annual staff and services celebratory event. It provides an opportunity for staff to raise awareness, share learning and celebrate their services and projects through interactive stands and posters, and coincides with the national Fab Change Day (Fabulous Academy of NHS Stuff) boosting morale, joy in work and engagement.

Workforce Initiative of the Year

North Bristol NHS Trust

North Bristol NHS Trust’s One NBT Leadership Programme: tailor-made to build our strengths.

The problem we addressed was a lack of consistency, local accountability and confidence in staff’s leadership skills coupled with insufficient diversity in management roles. Our solution, through consultation, was to create a uniquely personalised leadership programme, recognising individual strengths. CQC rated NBT as outstanding for ‘Well-led’ in September 2019.

Maudsley Learning, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Improving workforce development, improving mental health

Maudsley Learning provides workforce development programmes that bring together professions to understand patient journeys through experiential and reflective learning. We are world leaders in mental health simulation training with unique blended programmes including virtual reality, simulation and masterclasses. Published research demonstrates our impact on individual and team development and clinical care.

Hampshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Green Brain, a bespoke learning management system

The trust needed to increase the accessibility of all trust core mandatory training via face to face training and enhancing the accessibility of e-learning thus, increasing the trust overall compliance .By creating ‘Green Brain’ we have enabled staff to be empowered and engaged in a system they helped to create.

Clinical Improvement

Ramsay Health Care UK

Innovation in Patient Safety: Ramsay Neurological Services Early Warning Score [NSEWS]

Gardens & Jacobs Neurological Rehabilitation Centres introduced a new early warning score system in order to improve its response to the highly complex needs of its residents, who commonly suffer from spinal cord and brain injuries and neurological disabilities owing to functional disturbances of the autonomic nervous system.

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospital

Quality Improvements in our Antenatal Pathway

In 2019, maternity colleagues at DBTH embarked on a rapid improvement journey within the antenatal pathway, with the aim of overhauling their service. Among other things, they reined back their use of paper notes, tweaked referral criteria, amended guidelines to enhance patient flow and came up with new ideas for boosting staff morale.

The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Driving clinical improvement – eMeds implementation by The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

 The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (MYHT) has revolutionised prescribing and improved medicines safety with the implementation of a Trust-wide electronic medication management project delivered at significant pace. The successful deployment of the eMeds system was driven by the objective of clinical improvement.

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Women and Children’s Health

Improved recognition and escalation of deteriorating paediatric patients

Unique approach to improving the early recognition and escalation of deteriorating paediatric patients at Cambridge University Hospitals; achieved through multiple team collaboration, introduction of new ways of working, staff engagement, awareness and training initiatives, and advancing technology to alert and support nursing staff with appropriate and timely actions and escalations.

Primary Care Innovation

AccuRx Chain

Bringing patients and their healthcare teams together

AccuRx Chain has transformed patient communication in primary care. It has enabled 50,000 staff in 3,000 GP practices to message 6 million patients quickly and easily, saving each user 40 minutes per day, reducing calls to the practice and letters sent out, as well as improving patient experience.

NexJ Health

Innovative Community Care Program Enables Frail Older Adults to Live at Home Longer and Combats Loneliness

The Call&Check program, supported by NexJ Connected Wellness, uses postal workers on their usual postal rounds to check in on the well-being of vulnerable members of society and connect them with supportive community resources through virtual care technology, all for the uses postal workers on cost of a registered letter.


Secondary Care Innovation

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

eHospital – joined-up healthcare for our patients

Our ambition as a leading digital trust has been to use innovative technology to break down national barriers to health information sharing and provide joined-up healthcare for patients. Working collaboratively with our patients, clinicians and partners we are successfully sharing clinical records digitally and in real-time; benefiting our patients locally, nationally and internationally.

Avon and Wiltshire Partnership

ARC – Asylum Seeker and Refugee Clinic – A service dedicated to support children, young people and families who are seeking asylum or are refugees

This new clinic supports the increasing needs of children, young people and their families seeking asylum within the UK and those who have refugee status. It also works with unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC). We also provide one of the only pieces of transition work between adult services and CAMHS.

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

The Mass Knee Clinic – a new NHS outpatient care model showing clinically-led transformation in practice

The new mass knee clinic with focused consultant-led care and a multi-disciplinary approach has led to dramatic reductions in patient wait times and cost savings.

Adult ADHD Assessment Service Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation NHS Trust

Annual ADHD reviews by telephone consultation 

The increase in demand for diagnostic assessments and treatment for adults with ADHD in the Trust exceeded team capacity. Unacceptable waiting times were the major cause of complaints to the service. We have a smarter way to meet the needs of people on our caseload whilst beginning address waiting times

Patient Safety

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals

Sharing How We Care at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals

Over the course of the past year, DBTH has been making incredible strides in patient safety, an area that is at the forefront of everything we do. Implementing various schemes and devising new ways of sharing learning amongst colleagues, there has been plenty of activity in this regard.

The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Revolutionising prescribing and improving medicines safety – eMeds implementation by The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust 

The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (MYHT) has revolutionised prescribing and improved medicines safety with the implementation of a Trust-wide electronic medication management project delivered at significant pace. The successful deployment of the eMeds system was driven by one common goal of improving patient safety.


Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust with Oxehealth

Safer dementia care in Mental Health hospitals

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust has reduced falls by 33%, enhanced observations by 71% and A&E visits by 56% in their dementia wards as a result of deploying Oxehealth’s Digital Care Assistant.

Most Promising Pilot

Leicestershire Partnership Trust

Pilot of AutoPlanner within continence service to increase productivity and reduce waiting lists

AutoPlanner has been piloted within the East North caseload since the start of July using PDSA cycles. Within the initial implementation, the aim is to reduce the waiting list by scheduling in home visits via AutoPlanner. The pilot has evidenced that AutoPlanner can be used in the continence service to reduce the waiting list; in the pilot hub the waiting list was reduced to 0 from its highest point during the pilot of 76 patients.



Pilot of an AI-based communication aid for patients with tracheostomies who cannot speak, but can move their lips normally.

Liopa, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and Queen’s University Belfast, have piloted a communications aid for tracheostomy patients, aimed at improving patient engagement and autonomy. The android application will leverage Liopa’s Lipreading technology and, when downloaded onto device and held in front of the patient, will track lip movement and identify phrases being mouthed


Avon and Wiltshire Partnership

Intensive Positive Behavioural Support for Autism project (iPBS-A) 

An intensive Positive Behavioural Support service for children with autism and complex challenging behaviour. The service effectively supports young people to stay in their local communities, increase quality of life and leads to significant financial savings.


Phototriage- the safe transfer of images of suspected skin cancers between primary and secondary care.

As part of a large team involving primary and secondary care clinicians, commissioners and HSCB departmental teams, we have designed an application allowing GPs to safely transfer images of suspected squamous cell carcinomas and malignant melanomas for clinical triage by local dermatology consultants resulting in many referrals not requiring outpatient appointments.

Vascular Society Of Great Britain and Ireland


Vascular Surgery have run an annual course Pilot to enhance the delivery and development of the Inaugural Vascular Surgery Curriculum. The innovative ASPIRE programme, a first in UK Surgical Education, received exemplary feedback from the 2013 cohort of trainees certifying in 2019, citing it as major factor in their success.

North Bristol NHS Trust

Development of a pilot geriatric perioperative care service for older people admitted with major trauma

North Bristol Trust and the Severn Major Trauma Network have developed a pilot geriatric perioperative care (GPOC) service to improve outcomes for older people admitted with major trauma. Benefits have been demonstrated through shorter hospital stay, high Best Practice Tariff accrual, establishment of local training and a regional GPOC network.

Holt Workforce Management with 5 Trusts

Equal Participation for a Successful Centralised Regional Bank

A first of its kind, Care1Bank was designed to reduce the costs of resourcing temporary doctors through agencies, by building a collaboratively structured regional staff bank (CRB).  
To develop Care1Bank, Holt Workforce (HWM) worked alongside the Working Together Group and project leads from 5 Trusts – the pilot launched in March 2018.

St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Video consultations (telehealth) for St Helens and Knowsley NHS outpatients cuts DNA rate by 15% and improves efficiencies

The Trust has piloted telehealth technology from Refero in its Stroke Clinic and Drains Outreach Service, giving patients the opportunity to use video consultations for their outpatient appointments. Through this new approach, it has radically improved patients’ experience and choice, reduced DNA rates and freed up clinicians’ time with reduced travel.