Chief Medical Officer calls for unified approach to revolutionise health by 2040

Professor Dame Sally Davies has said that we can look toward the next 2 decades with optimism.

Her latest annual report examines how a unified approach can contribute to a healthier future and reduce inequalities. Supported by ground-breaking technology and research, this can dramatically improve self-management of long-term conditions and the delivery of healthcare across the country.

The Chief Medical Officer states that we must establish clear rules to liberate technology to deliver safe, quick and significant changes to patients across England. This will ensure that everyone benefits from innovative technology.

Professor Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer for England, said:

A more equal, healthier society is within our grasp but we need to be brave, bold and seize the moment.

Health is our main asset as a nation – a healthier population translates to a healthier economy. By repositioning health and reshaping our environment, we can make it easier to live well for longer and reduce the gap in health inequalities between the richest and poorest in our society.

We can and should make our environment fairer and healthier for all.