National Events Management Service goes live

The National Events Management Service is now live allowing for patient centric event messages to be published from one system and distributed to a number of other subscriber systems.

The service means vital child health information will now be available to health professionals and parents at the point of care.

The service shows which preventative interventions a child has received; improving the speed of diagnosis and treatment by giving health visitors and parents access to the same information sources at the same time.

It has initially launched in North East London in partnership with North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT) and their health visiting and child health services.

The IT system suppliers supporting the trust – System C (CarePlus), Servelec (Rio) and Sitekit (eRedbook) – have  connected to the new service. It implements a near real-time message exchange sending birth notifications, change of address and change of GP practice details. Data is also forwarded to a digital red book offered to mothers as an alternative to the current paper red book.

David Pike, Programme Manager at NELFT “The results so far have been very encouraging. Within the first couple of days we achieved a 20% increase in the timeliness of new birth notifications from out of area maternity units, enabling our health visitors to see new families sooner. We also received 2000 address changes on the first day, which means we’re picking up children new to NELFT services much quicker; ensuring those children moving out of area are rapidly notified to their new service provider. Based on these early improvements, we expect to be targeting health resources much more accurately in the coming year.”

Hadleigh Stollar. Programme Manager, Integrating Care, NHS Digital “The National Events Management Service is now live in private beta. Working with the NHS Digital, Digital Child Health programme we have successfully seen this new capability in live use in London. Once again the strong commitment, passion and determination of all those involved have made this possible and I am thrilled to see the progress that has taken shape as a result. My congratulations go to all those involved in this extraordinary and continued collaboration. This is only the beginning…”

Umesh Gadhvi, Director of Health Informatics at North East London Foundation Trust said: “Connecting to this new national service is a great opportunity to bring the benefits of standardized and rapidly transferred information to our health visitors and the families they work with.”

“For new parents, having up-to-date health guidance and information on their child in their hand through the new digital red book service is a great step forward.”