“Ask why?” advice for new NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme cohort

Ahead of the latest group of NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme participants to begin in September, Sally Scales, head of the programme, took to social media to hear advice for the latest group of trainees, and what could they do to make the most of the scheme.

Daniel Hartley, Regional Director of Workforce and OD at NHS England & NHS Improvement – North East &Yorkshire replied to the tweet with: “Learn how to lead all of the people, all of the time; network outside of the NHS; keep your fresh pair of eyes and ask why?”

Madelaine Mersh, Project Coordinator at NHS Sussex Health and Care Partnership, commented: “Imposter syndrome is ok!! I spent (and still spend) too much time wondering why and how I’m in the position I’m in- but everyone feels like it so own it!”

Other responses to the post mentioned the importance of maintaining good mental health, the ability to listen to patients and clinicians, and keeping a journal.

Sam Fuller, Senior Strategic Change Manager at NHSE, replied with: “Be open: you can learn something from everyone. Make time to reflect on your experiences, especially in the first few weeks when there will be so much new information to process!”

Will Clement, Organisational and Learning & Development Lead for NHS Hull / East Riding and North Lincolnshire CCGs, added: “Bring you innovation, build on the past but don’t be dictated by it. You are the tomorrow, not the yesterday.”

Ginny Edwards, Health Care, Director of Edwards Consulting, NED (Non-executive director) West Herts NHS Trust, said: “Ask to meet a NED. In the 7 years, I have been one not one GMTS has ever asked to meet me. I’d be delighted to have a conversation. Also, find your FTSU Guardian a really good link in your organisation.”

All tweets were published and correct at the time of writing, the full list of responses can be found here.