New toolkit launched to support delivery of health services research

The NIHR has launched a new toolkit for researchers, to help them deliver the high quality health services research that the NHS needs.

The Health Services Research Toolkit is a national resource which brings together ideas, guidance and support in one place.

The NIHR funds and supports the set up and delivery of a wide range of research studies that deal with the development of health services. The HSR Toolkit has been launched by the NIHR Clinical Research Network (NIHR CRN), which provides researchers with the practical support they need to make clinical studies happen in both the NHS and the wider health and social care environment.

The toolkit is for researchers who are interested in or already delivering research with a focus on improving the quality, accessibility and organisation of health services, and as such is applicable to a number of different clinical specialties.

Professor Peter Bower, NIHR National Specialty Lead for Health Services Research, said: “Health services research is critical for an NHS that is effective, efficient and centred on patient need.”

“However, there are challenges to delivering good quality health services research and the new HSR Toolkit is designed to help researchers navigate these and support them to deliver their health services research studies successfully.”

“The new toolkit will feature blogs on key health services research issues, links to the latest guidance on best practice, and case studies of innovative ways of delivering high quality health services research.”

Visit the HSR Toolkit to read the latest blog on how the NIHR CRN helped to deliver a health services research study designed to improve care for patients with lower back pain. Or you can view the Toolkit here.