Royal Wolverhampton picks Zesty for digital outpatients

The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust has signed an agreement with Zesty to deliver its digital patient portal to support around half a million people.

The portal is to be introduced as part of the trust’s digital plans over the next 5 years and it aims to launch the solution from Zesty over the next few months.

Recently the trust agreed a 10 year deal with Babylon to build an integrated, AI-based health app , with the aim to develop a new healthcare delivery model of ‘Digital-First Integrated Care’.

David Loughton CBE, CEO of The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust “Patient portal is one of the key projects I have tasked my team to deliver in 2020 as part of our ongoing efforts to meet the NHS Long Term Plan priorities.”

“We are partnering with the leading UK digital health companies to offer our patients the very best solutions, Babylon for integrated care, Zesty for digital outpatients to name a few. Making digital health services part of our care provision and reducing face-to-face outpatient appointments by up to a third over the next five years are both strategic objectives the Zesty patient portal can play a major role in.”

The patient portal will be introduced across all outpatient services as part of a long term partnership enabling patients to play a more active role in their care, create operational efficiencies and unlock significant cost savings, the trust said.

Sultan Mahmud, Director of Integration, Innovation and Research at RWT “Following appraisal scoping of the market, in association with our patient and service user innovation group and AHSN, we decided to partner with Zesty to realise our digital ambitions.”

“Zesty’s patient onboarding and adoption rates are industry leading, their bi-directional integration capability into several clinical systems is proven and well evidenced. Most importantly, we felt Zesty have the right attitude of wanting the best for our patients.”

James Balmain, CEO, Zesty “We are excited to work with David and his team to provide our patient portal as part of their ambitions digital plans. RWT recognise the patients and communities they serve want to interact with them in many ways and that technology has an important role to play in meeting this need.”