NHS Nightingale hospital to open next week in fight against COVID-19

Thousands of patients infected with coronavirus will receive support from new hospital NHS Nightingale.

The new hospital will be ready for use from next week.

Initially, 500 beds will be provided all equipped with oxygen and ventilators.

The hospital is based at the ExCeL conference centre in East London.

Should it be required, the 500-bed capacity can be increased to several thousand.

NHS chief executive Sir Simon Stevens said:

“Under these exceptionally challenging circumstances the NHS is taking extraordinary steps to fight coronavirus.” 

“That’s why NHS clinicians and managers are working with military planners and engineers to create, equip, staff and open the NHS Nightingale London, and we’re very grateful for their support.”

“This will be a model of care never needed or seen before in this country, but our specialist doctors are in touch with their counterparts internationally who are also opening facilities like this, in response to the shared global pandemic.”

“Despite these amazing measures, the fact is no health service in the world will cope if coronavirus lets rip, which is why NHS staff are pleading with the public to follow medical advice.”

“Stay at home, stop the virus spreading, and save lives.”

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said:

“In the face of this unprecedented global emergency, we are taking exceptional steps to increase NHS capacity so we can treat more patients, fight the virus and save lives.”

Further measures to combat the virus include recruiting volunteers to help support the vulnerable.

Also, bringing in 35,000 NHS staff either new or returning as previously reported.