Welsh initiative to improve national wellbeing

A new initiative to highlight the challenges of the pandemic, and to plan for the future of the Welsh public health system, has been launched by the Welsh government.

The Shaping Wales’ Future programme was set up off the back off The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, which is intended to make all public bodies, including Public Health Wales, think about the future.

A blog has been set up to ensure there is consistent dialogue with key stakeholders as goals are implemented in line with the 2015 Act and the programme, with the first phase of work expected to be completed by December 2021.

Public health will form a key part of the initiative, with dedicated targets to improve the wellbeing of Welsh citizens. There are seven goals that will direct the Shaping Wales’ Future programme:

  • A prosperous Wales 
  • A resilient Wales 
  • A healthier Wales 
  • A more equal Wales 
  • A Wales of more cohesive communities 
  • A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language 
  • A globally responsible Wales.

A new set of National Milestones will be released in 2021, along with a review of the National Indicators. An updated Future Trends report will also be published – this will cover factors that affect the economic, social, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of Wales.  

Guidelines on good National Indicators have been set out and include:

  • The number of indicators should be short and manageable to focus energy on the most critical issues. 
  • The indicators should be measures for the whole of Wales, rather than any one organisation or service. They should require action from a range of partners to work collaboratively to deliver against the wellbeing goals. 
  • The indicators should be coherent and fit together, telling a clear story of progress towards a Wales that is prosperous, resilient, more equal, and healthier, with cohesive communities, a vibrant culture and thriving Welsh Language, and globally responsive. 
  • The indicators must resonate with the public, capturing key issues which affect the wellbeing of future generations. 

The National Indicators were first introduced in 2019 and the Welsh government launched a consultation process to discover if any changes were needed. No major changes were suggested but the government committed to the following amendments:

  • Amending the National Indicators around the quality of work, considering the recommendations of the Fair Work Commission. 
  • Amending the National Indicators around the quality of employment. 
  • Removing the Indicator on job satisfaction.
  • Introducing an Indicator on collective bargaining.
  • Investigating a new National Survey for Wales question on “active global citizens” to replace the Indicator on Sustainable Development Goal partnerships.
  • Extending the pay difference Indicator to other population groups. 

To keep up to date on the Shaping Wales’ Future blog, click here.