NHS England and Queens Nursing Institute collaborate on international nursing recruitment

A new collaborative project between the Queens Nursing Institute (QNI) and NHS England and Improvement will seek to improve international nursing recruitment and provide links to community services. The project will be led by the QNI.

Esther Kirby, the QNI’s International Recruitment Project Manager, said: “I am delighted to be working on this important collaborative project between NHS England & NHS Improvement and the QNI. Bringing skilled nurses from other countries to the UK is a key part of the NHS workforce plan, but this is the first time there has been a strategic project to facilitate overseas recruitment directly into community service providers. It is hoped that the learning from this project will be of benefit to community services across England.”  

The QNI will be working with NHS Employers on the project and will provide extra information to the International Recruitment toolkit with specific successful examples from community nursing. 

The project will also support 6 ongoing pilot schemes that are a part of the NHS International Recruitment (IR) scheme. The 6 schemes are being led by Central London Community Health Trust, Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS FT, Hertfordshire & West Essex ICS, Kent & Sussex Community Trusts and Solent NHS Trust, Norfolk & Waveney Health & Care Partnership.  

The project will set up a “Community of Practice for workforce leads planning to recruit internationally” and also introduce a new “award for an exemplar IR community nurse.” 

Sam Sherrington, Head of Community Nursing, NHS England & NHS Improvement, added: “Internationally trained nurses have played a central role in the NHS since its inception in 1948. They have brought in a wealth of experience and skills caring for our patients in community settings. These nurses continue to play a central role in the delivery of the NHS long term plan. 

 “This is an exciting piece of work with the QNI to showcase community nursing internationally and provide support for community organisations to attract more internationally trained nurses. The project aims at developing high standards for international recruitment, pastoral care on the transition to life in England, preparation for the OSCE exams, accommodation and career progression pathways to support nurses who have decided to move to work as a community nurse in England. We look forward to welcoming them into our community nursing family.”