News in brief – new appointments, NHS staff’s pandemic poetry book, Bolton governors elected

Our Leading Healthcare news in brief this week has jobs news galore, as we share stories of people taking on a range of prominent new roles within the NHS.

Find out all the appointments latest, as well as updates on a health equity commission for Lancashire and South Cumbria and an NHS staff poetry book about the COVID-19 pandemic, below…

Bolton NHS FT elects new governors

We begin at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, where six governors have been appointed following the 2021 elections.

The new governors are: Jim Sherrington (Bolton North East Constituency); Alan Yates (Bolton South East Constituency); Pauline Lee (retains her seat in the Bolton West Constituency; David Edwards and David Barnes (Bolton West Constituency); Susan Moss Doctors and Dentists Constituency); Alan Physick (All Other Staff Constituency).

Elected to represent the views and ‘voices’ of patients, the public, partners, and staff, the new and returning members joined the Council of Governors on 1 October 2021 and will attend their first meeting on 9 December.

Lancashire and South Cumbria granted own Health Equity Commission

Lancashire and South Cumbria will have its very own Health Equity Commission, which is set to be chaired by Professor Sir Michael Marmot, who works in epidemiology at University College London (UCL) and is Director of the UCL Institute of Health Equity.

A new regional Lancashire & South Cumbria Health Equity Commission (HEC) has been agreed upon by local health leaders, with the aim of reducing health inequalities in the region.

The HEC will include regional health representatives, community, business and public sector leaders and influencers, and independent experts. It hopes to provide local leaders, organisations and partnerships with the support to make health inequalities and the ‘prevention agenda’ a joint priority, and to influence partners.

Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Independent Chair of Lancashire and South Cumbria Health Equity Commission, and Director of the Institute for Health Equity said: “The enthusiasm and commitment of local leaders to achieving health equity, inspires belief that this HEC will make a real differences to the lives of people in Lancashire and South Cumbria. It is a privilege to be associated with this endeavour.”

Dorset gym provides facilities for end of life patient visitors

University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust and Village Gym have joined up to provide free facilities passes for the visitors of patients receiving end of life care at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital (RBH).

The pass allows friends and family to use the showering and changing facilities, as well as fresh towels, as part of an unlimited service.

As the gym is located across from the hospital, visitors can change and wash without leaving their loved ones for too long. Rachel Targett, an RBH palliative care nurse, explained: “This pass from the Village allows family members to not be far from the bedside in those important last moments. This makes a massive difference; after all we only have one chance to get it right.”

UHBMT appoints Director of Governance

University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) has appointed Richard Sachs as its new Director of Governance.

Currently the Director of Quality Governance at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, Richard has worked in the NHS since 1997 and is expected to start in the post later this year.

Aaron Cummins, Chief Executive, UHMBT, said: “We are extremely fortunate to be welcoming someone with Richard’s knowledge and experience to our trust. Many may think that governance is the responsibility of a few individuals in a corporate department but that couldn’t be more wrong. Governance is at the heart of everything each one of us does every day – it is the systems and processes that keep all of us, including our patients and visitors, safe whilst in our hospitals or community services.”

New Clinical Transformation Director for Barts Health

Barts Health NHS Foundation Trust has announced the appointment of a new Clinical Transformation Director.

Dr Neil Ashman will take on the new executive board group role and will “provide overall clinical leadership” across the trust’s “six priority transformation programmes in elective care, pathway redesign, medicine, patient safety, diagnostics and urgent and emergency care.”

A consultant nephrologist at The Royal London hospital, Neil will lead an informal clinical transformation network of senior leaders and work closely with Professor Alistair Chesser, Group Chief Medical Officer.

Prof Chesser said: “Neil has great medical experience and a proven track record of clinical leadership, so on behalf of the group executive I am delighted to welcome him to this new role.”

King’s gets two new Non-Executive Directors

In other appointments news, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has announced that two new Non-Executive Directors have joined its board.

Dame Christine Beasley and Professor Yvonne Doyle CB took up their roles in early October.

Professor Yvonne Doyle CB is a qualified as a doctor and has worked in the NHS, government and academic sector since 1990. She is currently the NHS Medical Director for Public Health.

Meanwhile, Dame Christine Beasley has held senior NHS roles across a “career spanning 50 years”, which includes formerly being Chief Nursing Officer at the Department of Health, from 2004 to 2012.

Sir Hugh Taylor, Trust Chair at King’s, said: “I am delighted that we have appointed such high calibre individuals to the trust board at King’s. Both Christine and Yvonne showed real passion and enthusiasm for King’s, our staff, and the communities we serve.”

Black Country Healthcare create pandemic poetry book

Staff from Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust have created a poetry book about their experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

‘A small book of Covid poems’ includes words and verses by nurses, admin staff and carers, and is available to view here.

Judy McDonald, who was previously Interim Chief Nursing Officer at Black Country Healthcare before retiring last year, came up with the idea during lockdown. She said: “I’d like to thank all those who have contributed to the making of the book and I would also like to dedicate it to all those who lost their lives in services during the pandemic.”

Mark Axcell, Chief Executive at Black Country Healthcare, added: “During a time of such uncertainty this book has shown the depth of compassionate care and commitment alongside the professional demeanour of those who work at Black Country Healthcare….I have seen how much poetry can do in helping to change a mood, to inspire and to act as a form of solace.”

CNTW launches Winter Wellness campaign

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) used World Mental Health Day on 10 October to launch a Winter Wellness campaign.

An annual initiative, the campaign aims to reach those who may be struggling or require support during the winter months.

As well as sharing wellbeing tips on social media, CNTW will be sharing information via leaflets and posters at various locations across the North East and North Cumbria, and by placing drip mats in pubs.

CNTW also has free self-help guides that cover a number of topics, such as stress and anxiety, which can be accessed online.

London trust taking online bookings for sexual health services

Finally, Central and North West London (CNWL) NHS Foundation Trust is now taking online bookings for sexual health services in London and Surrey.

The free and confidential appointments offer advice, testing, treatment and contraception. Find out more about the clinics, services and how to book an appointment, here.