East London NHS FT rated Outstanding

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated East London NHS FT Outstanding for the third time, following an inspection in October 2021.

Some of the highlights in the report include an ‘overwhelmingly positive culture that supported patients to achieve good outcomes’ and ‘senior leaders to be open, friendly and approachable’.

Lorraine Sunduza, Deputy Nurse and Deputy CEO, commented: “I would like to thank every colleague and service user involved in helping continue to develop a culture of quality that is embedded in our work every day.

“An overall rating of ‘Outstanding’ is something colleagues should rightly take pride in, particularly after the unprecedented challenges we have faced over the last few years.

“However, this is not about standing still. There will always be areas we need to focus on to improve service users’ and carers’ experience of our services.”

Across the five key lines of inspection, the trust received a ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’ rating for:

  • Are services safe? Good
  • Are services effective? Good
  • Are services caring? Outstanding
  • Are services responsive? Good
  • Are services well-led? Outstanding

Some of the key points in the report, note: “People and teams were able to speak honestly and reflect on where improvements were needed” and “despite the challenges of the pandemic, the trust had adapted, learnt and continued to make positive progress”.

The report was also ‘inspired’ by the work being undertaken on race and privilege connected to the Black Lives Matter movement and the work taking place to improve staff wellbeing.

In addition there was a focus on ‘quality improvement’, which included “making data available to teams to help them use a structured approach to look at demand and capacity of services and develop individual plans to improve patient flow”.

Full details of the CQC ratings are available online here.