The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust (PAHT)’s maternity team has been rated for improved support and information sharing in a new Care Quality Commission (CQC) survey.
The results of the CQC 2021 Maternity Survey have highlighted improvements in the two areas – particularly, on the question as to whether the respondents would have liked to have ‘seen or spoken to a midwife more/less/the right amount)’ and whether they were ‘given information about physical recovery after birth’.
The rating for the former improved from 4.5 in 2019 to 6.6 in 2021, while the rating for the latter improved from 7.1 to 7.5. Feedback also improved in the area of ‘midwives providing relevant information during pregnancy about feeding the baby’ – rising from a score of 7.4 in 2019 to 7.7 in 2021.
The trust states that ‘results were rated as about the same as other trusts for the majority of questions’.
Areas that were noted for potential improvement in comparison to other trusts included: information about ‘COVID-19 restrictions and implications on maternity care’, creating a ‘more comfortable atmosphere for labour’, and some aspects of communication, such as ‘being spoken to in a way the respondents could understand’ and ‘increased opportunities to ask questions about labour and birth after the baby was born’.
The 2021 maternity survey involved 122 NHS trusts in England, with women aged 16 years or over who had a live birth between 1 and 28 February 2021 invited to take part.
The full results of the CQC survey can be found online, here.