GMMH joins scheme to help people with learning disabilities access employment

Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust (GMMH) has joined an internship scheme, which helps young people with learning difficulties access support, education, and work experience with the aim of progressing towards permanent employment.  

The trust has partnered with Pure Innovations, a disability support charity, on their Greater Manchester Supported Internship programme, to offer a range of work placements.

Participants on the scheme will be offered employment opportunities in various roles through a ‘Host Employer,’ whilst studying for an accredited qualification in subjects such as Customer Service and Employability Skills. 

Within the GMMH statement, the trust highlights that scheme will offer individuals three different placements over one academic year to ensure they gain a wide set of employment skills and experience.   

Natalie Irvine, Senior Employment Officer, Pure Innovations said: “It is absolutely vital that we are offering equal opportunities to all young people in our communities. People with learning disabilities have the skills, drive, and passion to succeed in a variety of roles, just like their peers. 

“Through the supported internship scheme, we match individuals with roles that are right for them, and make sure that any extra support for both the individual and the employer is put in place. It is amazing to watch them go from strength to strength, gaining valuable experience, skills, and confidence, whilst adding great value to the workplace.” 

Joanne McIntyre, Facilities Manager, GMMH added: “It has been a pleasure to work with Pure Innovations and the other lead providers to offer a number of work placements through the scheme.

“All our interns have settled in so well and have become well-loved members of our teams. To see their confidence and skills grow over time, with the support of their job coaches and colleagues, has been rewarding, and we are so impressed by their hard work. “