Poll: For an ICS, what should be the immediate priority area?

In our first ever poll at IH, we decided to explore the major areas of concern within integrated care systems and to discover which area of the healthcare landscape people feel is in most need of focus.

We asked our IH audience: For an ICS, what should be the immediate priority area?

The voting options were: workforce, population health, the elective care backlog and new models of care.

Across Twitter and LinkedIn, a total of 122 votes were cast from a diverse cohort of participants ranging from the primary care sector, programme managers, digital health care, emergency services and more.

64.85% of participants believed workforce to be the key priority area for the ICS, with a number of NHS chief executives, general practitioners and managing directors making up the majority vote.

Population health was the second highest rated priority area, with 13.95% of votes across both platforms, comprised of voters from social care and community services, director of strategy and performance and senior management in the NHS.

The third highest area of priority was new models of care with 10.65% of voters from roles such as intensive care, director of procurement and transformation programme management.

The elective care backlog received 10.55% of votes from a pool of advanced primary care doctors, digital marketing coordinators and a healthcare solutions founder.

Are the results what you expected? Would you have voted differently?

Follow IH on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay up to date with on our latest polls and engagement opportunities -we would love to hear your thoughts on the results.