We recently asked our audience for thoughts on that the priority area should be for integrated care systems: workforce, population health, the elective care backlog or new models of care.
Nearly 65 percent of respondents thought that ICSs should focus on workforce as their first priority, so we followed up that question with another:
Within the realm of the workforce, what do you believe needs the most focus within your ICS?
The voting options were recruitment; communication channels; freeing up staff time; and training and development.
Across Twitter and LinkedIn, votes were cast from a range of participants ranging from project lead to intensive care nurse to consultant.
The majority of the votes were split between two options, each with 36 percent of the votes. The first of these answers was recruitment, with voters including director of quality, social care workforce lead and project lead.
Also receiving 36 percent of the vote was the option of training and development. Participants ranged from director of strategy and performance, operations learning and development manager, and associate director.
16 percent of vote went to the notion that ICSs should prioritise development of their workforce communication channels, with voters including children services leader, consultant and associate director.
Finally, 12 percent of voters thought that ICSs should focus on freeing up staff time. Participants ranged from deputy chief nurse, head of commercial services and HR consultant.
Are the results what you expected? Would you have voted differently?
Follow IH on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay up to date with on our latest polls and engagement opportunities -we would love to hear your thoughts on the results.