Derby and Derbyshire ICB has published the board papers from their most recent meeting in March, wherein they discussed important updates and shared their vision for the ICS over the coming years.
The board has announced the finalised version of their ICS five-year strategy, providing a brief summary of the plan’s central themes, noting its three key focus areas – “start well”, “stay well” and “age/die well.”
The document states that “each area of focus is now mobilising to work through a collective approach to testing out integration” which will be coupled “with bespoke engagement approaches to ensure that we are involving our citizens and staff in the conversation.”
The board has received preliminary feedback for their operational plan for 2023/24 which highlights the main system risks as the financial position, cancer waiting times and the elective care recovery plan. The ICB will extend their work into the development of their NHS Joint Forward Plan which is to be submitted some time in June 2023.
At the time of meeting, the ICB was awaiting feedback from the Hewitt Review, just published this week; the board plans to investigate how the recommendations within the review can “best enable them to success, balancing greater autonomy and robust accountability.”
In February, the Mental Health Delivery Board welcomed guests from local deaf communities to share their experiences of mental health care across the Midlands, which highlighted key issues such as communication difficulties, confidentiality and a shortage of qualified translators.
The papers note that Derby and Derbyshire has the largest deaf population in the UK outside of London, and as such it is a primary focus for the ICB to enable better access and communication with local mental health services. A health needs assessment and a strategic action plan are currently being developed to improve understanding and quality of care which will remain an ongoing priority for the Delivery Board.
Driving innovation
The Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) has co-developed a series of case studies alongside AAC partners, analysing the various approaches across local ICSs to promote the “adoption and spread of proven innovation.”
The studies revealed that ICSs can facilitate innovation more effectively by driving local leadership in innovation through dedicated innovation roles; by fostering a culture of innovation across local health and care organisations and partnerships; and by implementing local organisational structures which support the adoption of innovation. In addition, they can tackle health inequalities through improving equity of access to innovation, and encourage and facilitate collaborative partnerships across all sectors.
Measuring integration experience
Team Up Derbyshire is a programme aimed at creating one integrated team across health and social care for patients currently receiving care at home -or within care homes in Derby and Derbyshire.
A research study conducted by Traverse (commissioned by Team Up Derbyshire), captured data on key areas of integration that can used to help the ICB understand whether integration is working for staff, carers and users. The emerging themes included trust, efficiency, policies and joined-up communication. These themes were then used to develop questionnaires for the three cohorts – users, carers and staff. The report is currently being shared and discussed at a number of forums, asking people for practical ways of advancing the study.
CEO report
Chief executive Dr Chris Clayton gave a summary of the developments taking place in the work sector of the ICB and ICS.
He noted that the previous system challenges of the past months had indeed carried over into 2023. These pressures have included extreme pressure regarding patient flow, particularly around Christmas and the New Year, and waves of industrial action leading to a positive continuation of escalation planning and preparation, which has enabled services to cope during period of reduced workforce.
Looking ahead, Dr Clayton stated that a discharge approach should be the central strategic aim in terms of managing patient flows and that this is the preferred option amongst residents. He explained they will be exploring prevention methods to stop citizens reaching crisis point alongside reviewing the whole pathway of care from the initial paramedic contact – all the way to discharge.
Another update focused on the Derby and Derbyshire Together programme, with phase two now completed. This will involve further collaboration between staff and key partners in developing a strategic framework.
In terms of finances, the papers note that the ICB will continue to explore opportunities for investment in population health and reduction in health inequalities.
Significant investments have been made to the Joined Up Care Derbyshire system in recent weeks, intended to support their efforts around discharge – “and the broader impact” this has on the emergency care system.
To read the full board papers, please click here and be sure to keep an eye out on our website for the latest ICS strategies and reports.