CQC has released its Public Engagement Strategy for 2023-2026, outlining their ambitions for “engaging with people who use services, their families and unpaid carers, and organisations who represent them or act on their behalf”.
Firstly, the strategy shares examples of improvements to date that have been made to help encourage and facilitate public engagement, including a new online ‘give feedback on care’ service; taking feedback from 150,000-200,000 people per year through the NHS Patient Survey Programme; and an upgraded website which is available from mobiles and tablets, as well as with assistive technology.
Some of the areas identified as requiring more work include raising awareness of the CQC’s “role and purpose, and about the standards of care people should expect”; improving how feedback is acted upon; encouraging more people from a wider range of communities and backgrounds to “get involved in developing” the way the organisation works; and engaging with more people with protected equality characteristics.
With these measures of progress and future priorities in mind, the strategy for 2023-2026 focuses on four objectives:
- building a “trusted feedback service where people’s experiences drive improvements in care”
- creating an accessible information service that people can trust
- developing “an inclusive approach” to involving people who use services, their family and others who represent them
- working in partnership with organisations that represent people who use services to improve care
To read the strategy in full from the CQC’s website, please click here.