NHS pensions for senior clinicians: new changes announced to improve care

The government wants to change pension rules for top doctors, surgeons and other high-earning clinicians to allow them to take on extra shifts and treat more patients without losing out financially.

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) will shortly open a new consultation asking people what they think about the set of proposals, which includes giving senior clinicians full flexibility over the amount they put into their pension pots.

This replaces the 50:50 proposal put forward for consultation in July.

Starting from next financial year, the new rules would allow senior clinicians to set the exact level of pension accrual at the start of each year.

For example 30% contributions for a 30% accrual rate, or any other percentage in 10% increments depending on their financial situation. This would give them room to take on additional work without breaching their annual allowance and facing tax charges.

Employers would then have the option to recycle their unused contribution back into the clinician’s salary.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sajid Javid, said “This government is committed to ensuring that British people see a real difference in public services, including getting quicker GP appointments and a reduction in waiting times.”

“Critical to that is introducing flexibility into the system so that our hospitals have the staff they need to deliver high-quality patient care, which is why we’ve listened to concerns and will be reviewing the operation of the tapered annual allowance. This will help to support the delivery of our vital public services.”