CEO announced by Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

A new CEO has been appointed by Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust. Stuart Richardson will start in the role from 1 September 2021.

Dr Adam Morris has acted as Interim CEO at the trust since the beginning of May.

From a learning disability background, Stuart Richardson has previously worked as the Managing Director for Mental Health & Specialist Services at Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

Stuart Richardson said: “Over the last three years, I have learned a lot from the people and partners who care so much about good mental health services in these two counties. This opportunity to lead the Trust means so much to me, and I am very much looking forward to starting.”

Marie Gabriel, chair of NSFT said: “I want to thank interim CEO Dr Adam Morris for his leadership since the beginning of May. His support has meant we have had the time to complete the CEO appointment process while remaining focused on continuing to improve services.

“We are ready to take the next steps to make even more improvements with our system partners, the people who work in NSFT and service users and their carers.”

Dr Adam Morris will work within the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System until the end of October.

Dr Adam Morris, said: “I feel so fortunate to have been a part of NSFT’s improvement journey. In the short time, I have been with the Trust I have been proud to refresh the Trust’s strategy and launch the clinical strategy that will truly support future service users and their carers, as well as further opportunities for staff to develop. NSFT is a fantastic organisation, and I want to thank everyone who works so hard to make mental health services better.”

The Care Quality Commission rated Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust as “requires improvement” according to their latest inspection, conducted in 2019.