Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS reveal recommendations for new hospitals

Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust has revealed plans to develop new facilities, as part of the New Hospital programme.

The programme team assessed each proposal for the programme, looking for affordability and the best value for money using feedback from staff, patients and the wider community.

The shortlisted proposals include:

  • A new Royal Lancaster Infirmary on a new site, with a partial rebuild/refurbishment of Royal Preston Hospital
  • A new Royal Preston hospital on a new site, with a partial rebuild/refurbishment of the Royal Lancaster Infirmary
  • Investment at both Royal Lancaster infirmary and Royal Preston Hospital, allowing the partial rebuild on both existing sites
  • Two new hospitals to replaces the Royal Lancaster Infirmary and Royal Preston hospital as completely brand new sites.

Following the announcement of the shortlisted proposals for the new hospital facilities, the trust has expressed its preference for new hospitals on new sites for both the Royal Preston Hospital and the Royal Lancaster Infirmary. It seeks to develop ‘cutting edge’ facilities with new and improved emergency services and an increased capacity for more specialised services, to offer patients a better standard of care and address problems arising from the current ageing facilities.

The proposal would meet the trust’s environmental commitments and the requirements set out by the new hospital programme, which include delivering an environmentally friendly and more sustainable building.

Speaking of the benefits of new sites, Lancashire Teaching Hospital’s Chief Executive Kevin McGee OBE said: “New hospitals on new sites would be truly transformational giving us the freedom to design our services and facilities around the needs of our patients.”

 Each proposal will continue to be expanded and refined and assessed for the viability of the potential locations of the new sites. Currently, no final decisions have been made, and the team has pledged to continue involving patients, staff, stakeholders, and the wider community as it begins to develop the proposals further.