Independent health think tank Nuffield Trust has set out a strategic vision for community pharmacy, funded by Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC).
PSNC commissioned Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund to develop a vision and set out strategic options for community pharmacy to inform the strategy for the community pharmacy sector in England. The two organisations are to work closely with the sector to map out what can be achieved and how.
Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund will study how the sector can be funded and commissioned in gaining its full potential to provide a wide range of services to patients. The aim is get pharmacies and staff to do more in supporting patient care and wellbeing of local communities.
The research programme will include reviewing previous research, conducting interviews with stakeholders like patients, reviewing models of community pharmacies from other countries, speaking to international experts and promoting conversations on funding, service models and workforce issues. There will be an open consultation in late 2022 to listen to views and perspectives from across the sector.
The final report will be published in June 2023 and will examine how national bodies and local integrated care boards can work with community pharmacy to “realise the vision of delivering more clinical care”, including examining the key enabling factors of the workforce, IT, commissioning and funding.
The strategy will be drawn up in 2023 and is intended to provide ideas and ambitions for negotiations between PSNC and the government.