South West London ICS launches ‘Health in your Hands’ project

A new project called ‘Health in your Hands’ is currently underway in Richmond, encouraging residents to take a more active role in their healthcare by engaging with local healthcare services and supporting those who are at risk of developing long-term conditions (LTCs).

The project, which has evolved from a group partnership between South West London ICB, Richmond Charity, Ruils and local GPs in Hampton, Whitton and Heathfield, has seen over 100 Richmond residents supported so far.

Health in your Hands aims to identify local people at risk of LTCs, diabetes, cancer, asthma, depression and high blood pressure and supports increased diagnosis and treatment for those who have shown an unwillingness to reach out to their local health services in the past.

The project is part of Richmond’s Core20 work, the national NHS initiative designed to prioritise support in the most disadvantaged communities and work to alleviate health inequalities.

Richmond GP Dr Adhikari said: “The Health in Your Hands project allows people who do not make contact with primary care to access healthcare advice close to their home, which is much needed. The most recent event had arrangements for checking blood pressure and weight to help identify people who may be at risk of heart attacks and strokes at an early stage. The Ruils team was also on hand to signpost people to services that could help improve the visitor’s health and wellbeing.”

Those interested in taking part in the project will receive a basic health check and a one-to-one meeting in which they will be given practical advice to help them manage any LTCs they are dealing with or, alternatively, how to minimise the risk of developing these conditions in the future.

As the project continues to develop, there are plans to extend the work into other areas of the borough to ensure more people may benefit from a positive, hands-on approach to healthcare.