Inside NHS Nightingale London – how to build a hospital in 5 days

NHS Nightingale London is due to become operational by the end of this week.

The hospital already contains 500 beds, with space for another 3,500 if required.

The NHS has confirmed that the first 500 patients will be admitted this week.

Matt Hancock confirmed that the hospital will be divided into two, 2,000 bed wards.

NHS staff, civilian contractors and 200 military personnel have worked alongside each other to complete construction in record time.

The hospital needed to be completed before other NHS hospitals in London exhausted their supply of beds with ventilators.

Respirators are stored inside the hospital ready for use if required by the patient with one symptom of COVID-19 being the virus attacking the lungs.

The hospital, once operational, will be staffed by NHS clinicians and workers, as well as volunteers from St John Ambulance Service and volunteers from other sectors such as the airline industry.

Hospital management will include NHS staff working alongside the British Military.