NHS publishes regional statistics on delivery of COVID vaccines

NHS England has for the first time published the latest weekly statistics of the delivery of the COVID vaccines broken-down by region.

The figures are taken from vaccinations administered in Hospital Hubs and Local Vaccination Service sites. Daily statistics also factor in the figures from Vaccination Centres. The data comes from the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS), the system for the NHS COVID vaccination programme in England.

The below table highlights the total number of the first vaccination administered between 8th December 2020 and 10th January 2021:

 Under 8080+
East Of England         81,604        104,687 
London       107,588          92,398
Midlands       194,628        193,019 
North East And Yorkshire       166,554        204,140 
North West       135,178        131,407 
South East       165,564        183,299 
South West       108,212        126,896 
Other          1,371              759 

A total of 1,329,480 vaccines were provided to people aged 80+, accounting for 56% of the overall number of vaccines given. Priority groups are currently care home residents and carers, people aged 80 and over, the clinically vulnerable, and frontline health and social care workers.

The report for the week ending 10thJanuary states that there are 207 Hospital Hubs in service, with an additional 788 local vaccination sites on hand to administer the vaccine.

The government has stated that its aim is to provide 15 million vaccines to the four priority groups by mid-February. The UK is currently experiencing its highest number of cases and daily deaths since the outbreak began.

The NHS has noted that figures presented in their reports may later be revised and changed as further information flows in from local point of care systems.

Earlier today Leading Healthcare reported that 22,046 vaccines are being administered each hour according to Government statistics.